A new model to evaluate bioaccumulation: Biotechnology BT is part of the HYBIT project on Hyalella atzeca.
BioTecnologie BT, with its ecotoxicology, aquatic unit and chemistry units has participated in the European project HYBIT, a project created from the need to develop a protocol to perform the bioconcentration test, required for regulatory purposes, using species of aquatic invertebrates (specifically Hyalella azteca), as an alternative method to the current guidelines (OECD (TG) 305) which require the use of fish.
This alternative is the result of the ever growing trend of the scientific community and public opinion to reduce as much as possible the execution of tests on vertebrate organisms.
Fish bioaccumulation studies are time-consuming, expensive and take between 100 and 200 individuals per study.
The HYBIT protocol (Hyalella azteca Bioconcentration Test) 1 was developed by the German Institute Fraunhofer IME and for its validation a ring test was conducted which involved the application of the protocol in 10 other laboratories, including Biotecnologie BT.
The results of the ring test will be presented in May 2022 to the OECD for the development of the related guideline.
Being part of this ambitious project testifies the long experience that Biotecnologie BT has gained in the field of aquatic tests, both for the biological and chemical parts.
If you wish to receive more information about the HYBIT project or want to learn more about our aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology services, do not hesitate to contact us!