Our Expertise

Efficacy field trials

BioTecnologie BT has a trained and experienced staff carrying out open field or greenhouse activities on Plant Protection Products (PPPs) in compliance with GEP.
The performing of field efficacy trials includes the overall trials management, i.e. planning, performance, assessment, recording and interpretation of the results to ensure high levels of reliability, traceability and harmonisation.

Efficacy field trials

Efficacy trials are performed according to EPPO standards on efficacy evaluation of PPPs (PP1 series) in their last version.
The efficacy evaluation of a PPP represents a pre-requisite for its authorization. Efficacy trials  provide information for the assessment of the product performance against pest as well as on the nature and the extent of any adverse effect on the crop, on the yield of the treated crop and on the succeeding crops:  direct efficacy and crop safety.
The nature and the extent of the benefits resulting from the use of a PPP, are compared with the existing reference products and with damage thresholds, and they allow to set its conditions of use.
These trials allow the assessment of the level, the duration and the uniformity of the control/contrast/protection or other effects undertaken by the product.
The personnel runs tests tailored for client’s needs.

Product type

Herbicides, Insecticides, Acaricides, Fungicides, Molluscicides, Plant Growth Regulators and Biostimulants

Arable crops, Grapes, Fruits, Vegetables, Ornamentals and non-crop, Cabbage, Rice and many others

Phytotoxicity to target plants or plant products
Possible occurence of the resistance development
Unintended side-effects
Yield of treated plants or plant products
Quality of the plants or plant products

Study finder

Scientific Contact

Leonardo Casalinuovo
E-mail: lcasalinuovo@biotecnologiebt.it
Phone: +39 03714662700

Business Contact

Katy Lazzari
E-mail: klazzari@biotecnologiebt.it
Phone: +39 075 895 0045 – Ext. 246

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