
OECD TG 247: Bumblebee, Acute Oral Toxicity test

OECD Guideline fo Testing of Chemicals, No. 246 (09th Ocrober 2017) – Bumblebee, Acute contact toxicity test.

Bumblebees are social insects and live in small annual-cycle colonies.
Agriculture provides habitat and forage for pollinating insects, the ecosystem service of pollination allows plants to reproduce and bumblebees are sometimes used as pollinators in greenhouses where certain crops can be grown in controlled and specific conditions. The use of plant protection product in agriculture leads to exposure of pollinators to pesticide residues, so their effects on such insects has to be assessed.

Adult worker bumblebees are exposed to the test substance dispersed in the aqueous sucrose solution in order to evaluate the mortality and sublethal effects. Bumblebees are collected from the hives in a dark room under red light they are transferred into single-housing cages. After the acclimatation period (12- 24 hours) at the test conditions, bumblebees are starved for 2 hours before the exposure takes place by the feeders containing the treated diet. Mortality and sublethal effects are assessed daily until 72 hours after the treatment. If an extention is needed, further observations are carried out at 96 hours after the beginning of the test.

Adult bumblebees of Bombus terrestris

Range finding test includes at least 3 doses of the test substance and 1 untreated control, 3 replicates for treatment and for the control with 10 bumblebees/replicate.
Limit test is carried out with 1 dose of the test substance, 1 toxic reference substance and 1 untreated control, 5 replicates for treatment and for the control with 10 bumblebees/replicate.
Dose-response test includes at least 5 doses of the test substance, 1 toxic reference substance and 1 untreated control,  3 replicates for treatment and for the control with 10 bumblebees/replicate.

Mortality: LD50/NOED at 24, 48 and 72 hours.
Study includes GLP management and reporting.

Guideline fo Testing of Chemicals, No. 247 (09th October 2017) – Bumblebee, Acute oral toxicity test.


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Sabrina Mantilacci
Phone: +39 075 895 0045 – Ext. 268

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Katy Lazzari
Phone: +39 075 895 0045 – Ext. 246

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