A substance means a chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process.
REACH sets the procedures to collect and to assess the information about the substances properties and the hazards. The applicant of a substance should submit all the required information in a registration dossier consisting of 2 main sections: a technical dossier required for all the substances subject to registration and a Chemical Safety Report (CSR) requested if the amount of substance produced/imported is higher than 10 tons/year. The registration dossier has to be prepared by the software IUCLID 5 and, once created, must be submitted to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) via REACH-IT platform.

Impurity deriving from the process used
Producers and importers must find all existing available information regarding substance intrinsic properties, its manufacturing process, the use and the exposure. The technical dossier includes information about substance identity, directions on its safety use, classification and labelling, proposals on further tests, if relevant. The main aim of the Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) is to define the conditions of use (operating conditions and risk management) by which the risks can be controlled. The 3 principal steps are: hazard evaluation, exposure evaluation and risk characterization where the levels of exposure are compared with the threshold levels for each effect.
ECHA receives and evaluates the conformity of the individual registrations based on the principle that a single substance corresponds to a single registration.
The unambiguous and correct identification of the substance is a pre-requisite that allows information sharing avoiding duplication of tests on animals and unnecessary costs.
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