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La Società XYZ Aggeggi è stata fondata nel 1971 e da allora fornisce al pubblico aggeggi di ottima qualità. Situata a Fantasilandia, XYZ impiega oltre 2.000 persone e realizza ogni sorta di aggeggio fantastico per la comunità di Fantasilandia.

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Our team of the Microbiological Unit of Biotecnologie BT has joined a Working Group within the Technical Commission of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN / TC 455 on Plant Biostimulants) created to define European standards for all biostimulant products. Specifically, we are part of the Working Group CEN / TC 455 / WG 3
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The presence of Plant Protection Products residues in food for human consumption or in animal feed is regulated in the EU  but also in other countries. European legislation sets MRLs (Maximum Residue Limits) for each active substance used in agriculture to protect crops from pests and diseases, in order to ensure the highest food safety
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BioTecnologie BT, with its ecotoxicology, aquatic unit and chemistry units has participated in the European project HYBIT, a project created from the need to develop a protocol to perform the bioconcentration test, required for regulatory purposes, using species of aquatic invertebrates (specifically Hyalella azteca), as an alternative method to the current guidelines (OECD (TG) 305)
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It is well known that bees (Apis mellifera L.) are important bio-indicators of the ecosystem health conditions. Perhaps less well known is the role of urban beekeeping  in managing urban green inside big cities. Trees are relevant factors in Smart Cities  planning. This has to be focused on the application of digital solutions for the
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Probiotics are viable microorganisms able to colonise the gastrointestinal tract of animals and humans, positively influencing their microflora and thus exerting a beneficial effect on their health. For this reason, probiotics are added to feed, as additives or supplements, to improve nutrient utilisation efficiency and production performance, average weight gain and animal health. Probiotic supplementation
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The use of agrochemicals containing microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses) or active ingredients produced by them is more and more spread in integrated and organic farming, thanks to their favourable environmental and ecotoxicological profile. Through different mechanisms, specific microorganisms can control the spread of insects, nematodes and fungi damaging crops; other microorganisms can promote the biological
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As every year, our company attended the SETAC 32nd meeting in Copenhagen. From the 15th to the 19th of May we have been meeting with our partners and attended all the lectures throughout this annual event. Our company’s aim of constant development and improvement will lead us to attend all the major European conferences and
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According to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, a cosmetic is defined as “any substance or mixture intended to be applied to the external surfaces of the human body (epidermis, hair system and hair, nails, lips, external genital organs) or to the teeth and the mucous membranes of the mouth with the sole or predominant purpose of
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For decades, the French term “terroir” has been associated with winegrowing, to indicate a set of environmental, technical and cultural factors giving wines produced in certain wine-growing regions sensory traits closely linked to the region of origin of the grapes and able to make the product strongly characterized and recognizable. More recently, the concept of
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As defined by EFSA, microplastics and nanoplastics are small fragments (0.1 – 5.000 micrometres and 0.001 – 0.1 micrometres respectively) of objects made from petroleum polymers. They are generated by the mechanical crushing of various materials, in water and on land. While most microplastics derive from plastic containers dumped into water and degraded by weathering,
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