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Biopesticides are PPPs which contain Biological Control Agents (BCAs) as microbials, pheromones and plant extracts (botanicals).

The actual demand to use environment-friendly methods to control plant pests and diseases has resulted in an increase of the Biopesticides market. Biopesticides are typically used in combination with conventional chemical pesticides in the framework of the Pest Integrated Management (IPM) in order to safeguard the health of the roots, the plant growth, the quality of the crop, to reduce the occurrence of resistance and to lower residue levels.

Biopesticides, as PPPs, fall within the scope of the Regulation (EC) N. 1107/2009, nevertheless  the risk assessment methodologies used for chemicals substances are not fully adapted to the very complex task of evaluating the safety and risks concerning such living substances and there is the need to develop a guidance on how to conduct risk assessment of BCAs. BioTecnologie BT has 20 years experienced in the research and development of Biopesticides. As a matter of fact, BioTecnologie B.T. was born as a company dealing with the research of microbiological new active ingredients (bacteria, viruses, yeasts) for use in agriculture. For this reason our laboratories can support Companies with the registration iter of a Biopesticide: from the characterization of the active substance (identification and effectiveness assessment), passing by the development of fermentation and formulation processes, to GLP services.

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